You want a drink of refreshing cold water poured straight from your water dispenser. You pick up your glass, put it under the nozzle, and… nothing. No water is gushing out and you’re left without an ice-cold refreshment.
If this sounds like you, it sounds like your water dispenser is broken. Regular maintenance of your kitchen appliances can help prevent frustrations like this from occuring, so get in touch with one of our experts.
Before you call an expert, here are some easy-to-fix reasons for a water dispenser not working that you can have a go at solving yourself.
This is a common reason for a water dispenser not working, and it’s a straightforward fix. To figure out if this is your issue, disconnect the tube at one end and blow air through it. If you are struggling or you can’t feel air coming out on the other side, the tube is blocked.
Remove the tube completely and leave it to defrost before fixing it back into your fridge. To help stop this issue from happening again in the future, make sure your fridge and freezer temperature settings are not turned down too low.
The water inlet valve is what lets water flow into the dispenser. If this is dysfunctional then no water will be dispensed and the valve will stay closed.
Usually, the valve won’t open as the pressure is too low. Make sure the pressure of the water that flows into the valve is at a minimum of 20 PSI. If you have checked the pressure and still have no luck, you might need the valve replacing.
Your water dispenser is the one appliance that you simply cannot do without. So, when you need fast repairs, call Express Repair GTA at (647) 492-7773. Here are a few reasons why you should call us: